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Отзыв сотрудника Татьяна Николаевна о компании IKEA

Татьяна Николаевна
12:34 06.02.2022
Город: Москва
Плюсы в работе
Favorite company of my daughter Diana, 22 years old - designer IKEA Belaya Dacha. With pleasure and love she went to work both at 6.00 and 8.00 a.m., participated in reconstruction, worked over, came home both at 21.00 and 22.00. She hung chandeliers on her own, ran inspired, participated in rearrangements, exhibitions. On February 25, 2021, her dad died, on February 26 she was supposed to go to work, the company did a favor and changed work shift to March, 5.
Отрицательные стороны
Manager Taniana behaved incorrectly, did not work with my daughter when she was a trainee, pressed, bullied, did not explain how to work, only made complaints. Why didn’t she, as a leader, suggest something? Constantly called for a meeting with the personnel officer at the end of the working day. Constant showdown. Made my daughter dismissed by agreement of the parties. Did not issue a certificate for calculating sick leave, which violates the law of the Russian Federation. There was psychological pressure. They brought Diana to tears, spoke incorrectly about her father: ‘you need to forget and work hard, this is not an excuse’. At the moment, my daughter does not understand why she was treated this way, she fell ill. We will not take sick leave, although we have the right to do it within 30 days. Was it really impossible to somehow correctly talk, help a trainee of 22 years old, transfer to another department?
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2022-02-06 16:26:41
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